A Deep Diving to Next-Gen Action Game Mechanics
Immortal Paradise utilizes revolutionary game mechanics, termed “工‐shape game mechanics”, that provide an especially rich experience for team PVP competition. Using the novel approach that allows for multiple attack and defense angles, a real action game is truly achieved. With this system, every slash is meaningful – nothing is just an animation. Rather than the outdated and static gameplay common with one‐to‐one correspondence between attack and defense – as in games like "Mount and Blade" and "For Honor” - Immortal Paradise offers players a more dynamic experience.
工‐shape game mechanics leverages the advantages of 3D games, and the variety of melee details and choices perfectly reflects a truer sense of space in battle. This special form of game mechanics mirrors real life, with actions and outcomes - whether offensive or defensive - being dependent on multiple factors.
Melee offensive methods include horizontal slash, vertical slash, low slash, unblockable kick, unblockable grab, and leapfrog. Defense methods include high block, low block, dash forward, dodge left/right, dodge back, jump, and normal attack. Each attack corresponding to random defense has a 60%‐70% success rate depending on the opposing player’s position and response. For example, vertical slash needs to be dealt with dodge left/right, high block; not dash forward, dodge back, low block, jump, or normal attack. This produces more dynamic gameplay that offers more space for enjoyment, learning, and engagement.
So how are horizontal slash, vertical slash, and low slash activated? Just press one of the movement keys on the keyboard (WASD) before the player uses the normal attack (mouse left button), and the normal attack will activate according to the corresponding positioning and point of attack. The offensive side will change the offensive angle before each normal attack according to the state of the defender to form a threatening normal attack 3 slash combo. If the offensive attack is successful, the offensive player will take the enemy to the control and then damage phase. Not every normal attack provides slash from all angles, as each attack is dependent on the specific character being used.
For example, the third slash of Evan Wang, one of the champions (characters) in Immortal Paradise, provides horizontal slash with fast initiation (before slash contact), horizontal slash with fast recovery, and vertical slash with fast recovery, but not low slash, because all melee champions can use offensive (crowd control) abilities during the normal attack 3 slash combo. One of Evan Wang's CC (crowd control) skills is Anklebite, which is a form of low slash. In other words, Evan Wang can attack the lower body anytime which is the reason low slash is not available for the third slash of the normal attack combo for Evan Wang. This is just one example of the dynamic gameplay possible with 工‐shape game mechanics as implemented in Immortal Paradise.
According to the 工‐shape game mechanics, when each champion is in a different stance, such as standing, running, dashing, jumping or holding, the available skills or moves will change accordingly. Take Alex Wang's mouse left button (LB) as an example:
Stand Stance + LB = Normal Attack 3 Slash Combo
Dash Stance + LB = Shield Punch
Jump Stance + LB = slice down
Run Stance + LB = Fast Vertical Cut
Hold stance + LB = Pierce
This design will allow players to use the least number of keyboard strokes to make more combat combos and therefore reduce the difficulty of the player's operation. This also better represents the reality of the fighting, where specific attacks depend on stance.
The same logic holds true for counter‐attacks. Normally the defender in a fight must prevent the attacker's normal attack 3 slash combo plus a crowd control attempt before transitioning from defense to offense. However, if the defender successfully uses counterattack, it can directly transition from defense to offense. A successful counterattack will increase the opponent's recovery time, reduce self‐attack initiation time, and switch to the attacker's role before the opponent can make any further movement. In addition, counterattack can also deflect projectiles, but the player needs to control the direction and angle of the deflector. This offers players greater control over their actions and provides opportunities for skills refinement within the game. There are many ways to launch counterattacks, and each champion has its unique counterattack mechanics that are dependent on the champion being used, the player’s positioning, and also timing.
For example:
1. Activate the correct defense within 0.1 seconds before the enemy attacks contact.
2. After the enemy makes contact, the defense is released within 0.1 seconds.
3. Within 0.2 seconds before the enemy makes contact, the upper defense
switches to lower defense to counter the horizontal slash.
4. Within 0.2 seconds before the enemy makes contact, the lower defense
switches to upper defense to counter the vertical slash.
5. Shooters, mages, and healers do not have counterattack capabilities. This makes champion selection an important part of the game.
Beginner players may not master the counterattack, but this will not significantly detract from the game experience. After defending the opponent's normal attack 3 slash combo plus a crowd control, a defensive player can transition to an offensive position.
As for the control abilities and damage abilities (attack types), significant elaboration is not necessary. There is a great variety of control states though, and they are classified as stiff, stun, knock up, knockdown, holding, slow down, and staggered. Keeping with the dynamic nature of the 工‐shape game mechanics, the same control or damage abilities hitting the opponent who is in different states will have different effects.
The action game mechanics of Immortal Paradise are easy to learn and difficult to master. Players can learn some basic combos in ten minutes to fulfill their adventure needs. After players have a stronger sense of the open environment, they can master combos to challenge their potential and ambition. Eventually, after joining the team PVP survival mode, players move on to learning how to configure a team, how to choose the proper development route, how to counterattack the opponent in the offensive and defensive system, and how to obtain strategic resources. How to break the opponent's defense and have enough remaining resources to cause damage is a skill the player must learn on their path towards mastery.
You are invited to play Immortal Paradise to experience the next generation action game mechanics for yourself.
Alexander Wang - Game Tutorial
Alexander Wang - Game Tutorial

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Alex 1 Movement

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Alex 2 RB

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Alex 3 LB

Immortal |Game Tutorial:Alex 4 Mushroom

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Alex 5 Dodge

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-1 (ShieldSlam)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-2 (PushKick)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-3 (Grab)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-4 (Holding Stance)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-5 (Downward Strike)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-7 (stone)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-6 (Ascend)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Alex Skill-8 (Octagon)
Evan Wang - Game Tutorial
Evan Wang - Game Tutorial

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan 1 Movement

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Evan 2 RB

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Evan 3 LB

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Evan 4 Mushroom

Immortal |Game Tutorial: Evan 5 Dodge

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan Skill-1 (Anklebiter)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan Skill- 2 (Aerial Cleave)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan Skill-3 (KnockUp)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan Skill-4 (PushKick)

Immortal | Game Tutorial: Evan Skill-5 (Meteor)